A Secret Practice Session and Photoshoot with The Dollheads

All Photos and Write Up by David "Widgit" McMillan of Stoned Spider Photography

LAS VEGAS, NV -- Not long ago I was invited to a private practice session of The Dollheads at Taverna Costera, and I was blown away.

Unfortunately, I missed their set at Punk Rock Bowling due to having to wait for my forgotten camera strap to get delivered (I know…my fault). Therefore, I was excited to get this chance to see them perform and do a short photo shoot with them after.

Though it was a practice session they definitely didn’t hold back on the energy. Hearing the influences of bands like Green Day and The Ramones and a few walking bass lines reminiscent of Rancid’s Matt Freeman assured me that everything I had heard about this band was not only true but also understated.

To say I was impressed would barely scratch the service. Seeing this performance gives me hope for the future of music. Just seeing how much fun these three siblings have playing the music they love makes it easy to understand why they were at Punk Rock Bowling, sharing a stage with legends in the genre like: The Exploited, G.B.H. and The Casualties.

This is one band I will definitely be keeping an eye on. Young bands like these are the future of music and The Dollheads give me hope for that future.

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