Artist Spotlight - Exclusive Interview with Keaton Rogers from Raised on TV

Quick Band Bio:

  • Band Name - Raised on TV
  • Website:
  • Location - Los Angeles
  • Members in the band - 2
    • Keaton - Guitar/vocals
    • Kacey - Drums
  • Founded - 2016

Raised on TV's Social Media:

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Isaac: It's Isaac from Powered By Rock here. I'm here with Keaton from Raised on TV, great little band that I happened to discover because Keaton reached out to me through Instagram and said, "Hey, you like Silversun Pickups, that's a great influence of ours. We know we like that band too. Maybe you'd like to check out our music."

And I said, "Sure. Like, I love to hear new bands." So I did. And I was pleasantly surprised because it's not every day you you hear somebody that, you know, gives you unsolicited music to listen to, that actually ends up being great. So I was pretty stoked.

We did a little video premiere for your last long "Like a Drug." Or your latest song I should say and loved it. Love the video, love the concept. I've gone back and listened to your catalogue now, and I like a lot of what you guys are doing. So thanks, Keaton. Thanks for being here. And thanks for joining me with this interview today. Y

Keaton: Yeah, absolutely. Thank you, Isaac. Thanks for that awesome introduction, man.

Isaac: Alright, so you know, just to kind of get everybody, you know, understanding what you guys are, who you guys are, where you're from, and all this stuff, kind of give me a brief synopsis of what's the journey been like of your band? You know, what's the bio of the band? Who's in it? And what do you guys do? What kind of style of music you guys play and all that good stuff?

Keaton: Yeah, definitely, man. So, right now, it's me and my brother. My brother's name is Kacey. He's the drummer. And then I play guitar and sing and write most of the songs. But it wasn't always that way. We kind of became a brotherly duo. But we started as actually a four piece band. And then some members kind of switched out through the years.

We started back in 2016. And we were a three piece for a long time. And then we actually lost our bass player, he quit on a national tour. Um, so we were forced...

Isaac: Fed up with life on the road, or what?

Keaton: Well, kinda kinda, he didn't actually even make it out. He was supposed to fly out and meet us in New York. And he like, canceled his flight and everything. Last minute. And what ended up happening was, we had to figure out a set that we could play as a two piece, because we had like, 20 more shows on the road. And we had to get some tracks together.

So I was in the van on GarageBand, recording a bunch of bass tracks to, you know, to a metronome. And then Kacey got really good at playing to a click because he had to. And then yeah, we finished off the tour that way, and it kind of just made us a lot stronger as a two piece band. And we came back to LA, which is where we're from. And we had a bunch more shows in LA at that time. And we just, we played them as a two piece just to kind of see what would happen and it was cool. There was a cool energy to it. We would prefer to play with, you know, a human being on the bass, but...since that tour, we have played with other people and recorded with other people, but we just kind of we've left the main lineup, just me and him just because you know, the vibe is is truthful and cool.

And you know, we're definitely open to making the official lineup, you know, more than the two of us at some point. But right now, we're just kind of moving forward as a brotherly duo. And, you know, it's been doing all right

So, yeah, there's lots of bands out there that use two pieces, and then kind of expand. I mean, Portugal.The Man is essentially a two piece at the core with the bass player, and the guitar player. Local H is a two piece out there. So it's not like you guys are the first or only two piece band out there. And some people don't even ever add a bass player. Like it's not necessary. It does fill in a lot of that, that feeling of the music, and it's really great. But it's not necessary. I think it's pretty cool that you guys were able to kind of change on the fly. Yeah, I've been in bands in the past. And, you know, I've never actually been a national tour or anything. I've never been a touring musician, but you know, even just getting together for practice. It's like, "Man, what time can you be here? It's like, we're waiting for you like show up, man. Like, let's go."

Isaac: Yeah, like, the fewer members you can have usually the logistics work out a little bit easier.

Keaton: Yeah, it does kinda work out in a way.

Isaac: So you guys are currently in the process of releasing your new album Fernando. It's Fernando, right?

Keaton: Yes. Right.

Isaac: Yeah, that's right. For now by launching each song as a single accompanied by music video, which is a pretty cool process. I haven't seen too many people maybe like a Justin Bieber or somebody or Rihanna do this, but not an independent rock label or rock band. Never seen a lot of people do it. So what made you guys decide to do this and what are kind of the pros and cons you're seeing so far?

Keaton: So I mean, well, we had recorded the whole album, you know, in one in one chunk in one piece. And we just, you know, just kind of seeing how music is these days, the music market and everything. Everything's so single oriented. So single based, and people's attention spans are just a lot shorter. Especially with younger people, ya know, and due to the Internet, and...

Isaac: A lot of Baby Shark going around ...

Keaton: A lot of kids raised on Baby shark.

So yeah, so it's just kind of like, it just makes more sense for a band in our position, not a super well-known band to kind of get more attention through releasing one song one single, you know, ideally with a video, some kind of cool visual thing to go with it, you know, one at a time and space them out every three to four weeks.

And we've been doing three weeks just to kind of push ourselves more. But yeah, just kind of, from a marketing standpoint, it kind of just, it works a little bit better in today's music world, you know, with streaming and Spotify and everything. Because another thing too, is like with, with Spotify, if you put out your whole album, at once, you're able to submit one song to their editors to, you know, possibly get selected for the bigger playlists. Yeah, but if you do one single at a time, then every single has a shot.

Isaac: Yeah. gives you more the amplification possibly.

Keaton: Yeah, totally. So it's kind of a numbers game, too.

Isaac: Awesome. It's great that you're thinking about the tech algorithms and all that stuff, and, and ways to expose and interact with that. And I think that's great, because a lot of bands out there. They're like, "Oh, man, we just got done. here's the here's the album." And then if it doesn't hit, they're like, "Man that was a lot of work for nothing."

Keaton: Yeah, exactly. Man. Exactly. And we've been that band. You know, our first album, called Season One was kind of that way. That was back in 2017, when we released that, and we kind of learned all this stuff, you know, through doing it the hard way. But yeah, we put out I think, two singles, and then just kind of put the whole thing out there. And it was like 14 songs. And you know, some people got into it, but I felt like mostly it kind of went to waste in a way, you know.

Isaac: That's good advice for people who are listening to this, who might have a band that they're looking to get more exposure for as well, you know, there are better ways than just dumping an album on the internet and saying, "Go listen to it, guys."

Keaton: Yeah, yeah. 100%. Unless, you're, you know, the Foo Fighters. Like Dave Grohl and Taylor Hawkins.

Isaac: Yeah. Well, I mean, they're still doing like Super Bowl commercials and stuff. So I mean, yeah, they've got other ways of marketing, I suppose.

Keaton: Sure. Sure. Yeah. No, I definitely recommend that for any band.

Isaac: Yeah. And you mentioned that you're doing obviously music videos with this. And now the last single, "Like A Drug" actually had two videos. You had the video, which I thought was kind of a throwback to some, like A-ha's "Take on Me", And then you did a lyric video. Talk about kind of what was the process of creating the first one, which is like a neon light, kind of etch-a-sketch looking thing. And then the other one was a lyric video.

Keaton: Yeah. So, we did that shoot. And then I was doing an edit with what we had, we had this kind of concept with all these cool lights and stuff. And Kacey, the drummer and my brother, he was also doing an edit, just to kind of see what he could come up with. We kind of get into this thing sometimes me and him where it's kind of like a friendly competition, you know, like, we try to one up each other with like, whatever.

It's been happening with music video edits. And so I had this edit going on that I thought was pretty cool. But I wasn't like, like, "This has to be the, you know, the final." And then he started messing with it. And then like, I think it was two days before the release date. He tried this effect. That ended up being the final video that was kind of like that "Take on Me" kind of outline kind of thing. And I was like, "You know what, man, that's, that's cooler than what I had going.

"Yeah, you know, you know, forget my edit. Yeah, let's go with yours."

Yeah, and then so what I did kind of became the lyric video. I just think, because like, it was still kind of cool. Like, it was worth, you know, being seen in some way.

Isaac: Yeah, I think they both have their good values. And yeah, obviously if people can't understand lyrics, lyric videos are always good, because then it like actually gives the meaning of the song. So they can get what you're talking about.

Keaton: Absolutely. And they're kind of there. You know, there still is a place for lyric videos. It seems like you know, some people you know, people still like them.

Isaac: Well, it's good that you're not just going on Fiverr and getting like some guy to create a lyric video for you.

Keaton: Yeah, that's kind of a thing now, huh?

Isaac: Alright, so you know, I've actually gone back and watched your full catalogue of all your videos on YouTube. I've gone back and listened to Season One. Haven't haven't had the chance to listen to the full album of Fernando yet cuz you haven't released it all. But I look forward to that. I'm kind of, it's good to know that you're, you're really into the video concept. Now. My question is kind of like is it in your blood? Because like you guys are in LA, that just to venture towards a medium of visual? Or is it kind of just like, you have an abundant abundance of talent there in LA that maybe you can tap into directors, photographers, videographers, is that make it a little bit easier being in LA?

Keaton: Yeah, yeah. It's definitely both of those things you were talking about. It's kind of a neat guy used to make a lot films, like short films, and I made one feature film back in the day, kind of for fun pursuing it somewhat professionally.

So I have some background in it. And but yeah, and then we're also you know, there's a lot of friends that we have that either do it professionally, or they're trying to. So they're hungry, to, you know, to get attached to a project and sink their teeth into something.

You can definitely kind of put feelers out and find a lot of people for whatever you're looking for. And so yeah, that is kind of like a cool gift, in a sense, being an LA, big pool of people to pull from to work with. And depending on what you're doing, you know, you can keep it kind of small. Might be a small team that you need, you know, and the more that you can do yourself, like, we're pretty good at editing so we don't have to hire out for that.

Unless we're doing something kind of crazy. Which would be cool.

Isaac: Like Transformers style stuff...

Keaton: Yeah, yeah, doing some Michael Bay, kind of just gonna call up Shia LaBeouf. Yeah. And do a Transformers thing on down the line. But yeah, it is, it is kind of cool. Being in LA to, you know, it does help make videos, I think.

Isaac: Yeah, I could tell by the way you shot the videos that there was some sort of history of film and filmography and stuff like that in there. But what kind of got you obviously, you just said, You created a feature film? And what kind of got you into the music versus the filmmaking stuff? And, you know, are you are you happy that you get to tie them together now?

Keaton: Yeah, I mean, I still want to make more films at some point...get back into that some more. But, it kind of came down to a choice for me where, with music, something, it was something else that I always pursued. And I always did, you know, going back to when I was a kid, for fun, something that I loved. And, you know, when it came time to kind of be a little more selective with my time and what I was pursuing professionally, I decided to go with something that I kind of just loved more, I guess, and also that I felt more comfortable doing even when it was like a really tough time, even like, in the hardest times.

I just kind of felt like the love is strong enough to keep me going on, you know, this pursuit. And you can't say the same for all artistic pursuits, you know, no matter what, whatever it is you might be into. So yeah, I think that's kind of what it came down to, for me was, you know, I love music enough that I knew even like in the darkest times, I would keep going, I wouldn't give up.

Isaac: Yeah, and because I also do business coaching and stuff like that. That's one thing that I think a lot of people who get in anything, they think that like, it's going to be a road that if they're just talking with the right people, it's going to be smooth enough. It's like, "No, there will always be hurdles put in front of you."

And it's that hurdle that you'll get to it to and say, "That's too hard of a hurdle, I'm going to stop," or you actually truly do love this thing enough to where you're going to try to get over that hurdle. Right? It's great to hear that, you know, when when you have like those those hurdles, band member quitting right before a tour in the middle of a tour. Those are things that you're just like, "Fuck it, like, we got to get this done. Like, this is what I want to do. So I'm gonna make it happen."

Keaton: Yeah, yeah, exactly.

Isaac: So let me ask you. In a pre interview question I had for you guys asked, What is the end goal of the band and you basically answered to be able to pay our rent. So I assume that as you know, in an independent recording and distribution process that you have, are you guys signed to a record label a current?

Keaton: Currently, we're not now.

Isaac: Okay. So how does that you know, how does that day to day life look like for you? Are you guys working full time? Are you you know, touring when you can obviously right now, you can't actually play live music venues in California. Florida, you could if you wanted to go there. But yeah, right. It's a bit of a journey. What does day to day life look like for independent rockers like yourselves?

Keaton: Yeah, I mean, well, yeah, during COVID is definitely one thing versus pre COVID. For sure. I would say before the pandemic, you know, we're both holding down some kind of job. Kacey's at a restaurant. And I also work as a substitute teacher.

Kind of like Jack Black in School of Rock or something.

Isaac: Yeah, actually, I saw that in I think one of your videos and I was like, is he actually a teacher?

Keaton: Yeah, that's real. So, uh, so yeah, those are kind of our day jobs. And, you know, we would still get on the road and, you know, play as many shows as we could and you know, we make something and it'd be awesome. And we'd get by on it. And then when the pandemic hit, yeah, you know, put a stop to all live touring. And at that time, that was our main source of income from music was playing, playing live, you know, we'd sell, you know, sell shirts and whatever. Get people out.

But, um, yeah, I mean, so it's been, you know, definitely a tough time for us financially, when it comes to music, but, you know, we're really trying to up our content and the quality of our content and the consistency of our content to kind of, you know, to look at it in a sense, where we're, we're not just a band, but we're kind of like a content creator, where we're a channel where, you know, something along those lines, where we were consistently putting out something that's cool, not just kind of, you know, quickly put together. Yeah, that could generate streams and through that, you know, income economy, you know, so I guess that's where a lot of people are trying to do.

But aside from that, yeah, we're holding down jobs and, and every other you know, every spare moment, we have put it into working on this project.

Isaac: Yeah, that's cool. I mean, it's kind of like a curse, but a blessing. Because when you can't do what you normally do, you're forced to find other things that you can do, it helps you accompany or supplement that stuff, right. So yeah, a lot of people you know, lose a job, but then they're like, "Hey, let me focus on building my own business or actually pursuing my passion or whatever." Like, these are things that you know, COVID literally, ripped people out of their comfortability factor, and put them back into "What the shit am I supposed to do now?" kind of factor, right? So I think it's good. It's a blessing and a curse. But it's good to hear that, you know, you guys are agile, and you guys are moving with the trends. Right?

Keaton: Thanks, man. That's cool to hear. Yeah, we're definitely making an effort to do that, for sure.

Isaac: So let me just ask you, this is kind of an interesting question. Because everybody's gonna have different responses to this. What's your favorite parts about the choice to pursue a rock'n'roll career? And what are some of your least favorite parts about it?

Keaton: Yeah, favorite parts? Definitely traveling. You know, I guess before COVID now, that was among the favorite parts is being able to go to new places and see new stuff and, and, you know, just do all kinds of fun, random things that you wouldn't do otherwise, because you're, you know, we're traveling to play music.

And now that was so much of what kind of, you know, made me love being in a band was getting in a van and going all around the country. You know, maybe even going up to Canada sometimes. Which we did. And yeah, just like seeing seeing stuff. Dude, like, just feeling alive. Least favorite. What is my least favorite being in a rock band? I guess. I mean, I guess it was. Yeah, dealing with band members that don't want to put in the work. Don't want to put in the time. And then that kind of like work itself out. Because it boiled us down to two guys.

Yeah. So I'm not dealing with that as much anymore. But when we had to. Yeah, that was definitely among the least favorite thing.

Isaac: Yeah. It's kind of like being a manager at a retail store. You got to babysit adults to do what you do. And it's like, "Look, if you don't want to be here, there are other people who do." It's like I said, I've never been nationally touring or a touring musician, but even just trying to get people to jam with you. It's like, "Jesus, man. Like, let's get together. Do you want to do this? Like, come grow this thing? Or not? And let's just stop."

Keaton: Totally, man. Yeah, I mean, it's a, it's no secret that there's a lot of flakes in the music world, especially in the rock'n'roll world. And just people, you know, not meeting their commitments and all that kind of stuff. So yeah, that's definitely not fun.

Isaac: So big question for you. What do you think it will take for you guys to break through to the next level?

Keaton: I mean, that's the question. That's the money question. I suppose it could be a number of things. It could be one song that we put out on any given any given week, on for some reason, kind of picks up and really kind of generates a lot of interest and attention. And there's a huge boost in the numbers from that. So that's, that, that's one thing that does happen a lot to bands.

Another thing and this is more like in a non pandemic world is that you are able to get on the road with a bigger band and maybe do some dates. Opening up for them, you know, puts you in front of a lot of new potential fans. And then if you play a great show and bring it then that's another way to kind of really boost your fan base, and your credibility. But, yeah, I mean, I also don't entirely know, you know, I feel like, especially in today's music world, it's so many things are unknown. When it comes to that, when it comes to breaking in artists, it's kind of, in so many ways it kind of feels like you're, you know, you're trying things you're experimenting to see what sticks. Um, and I don't know, like, if anyone really fully knows, like, yeah, this is what you have to do.

Isaac: You guys have to try things. Well, I think if you ask me the question, there's two things to that answer. And in this sense, number one, you have to get exposure. Right? So yeah, through virality, on the internet, or through live shows, with other bands, all that stuff. Exposure is massive, right? And number two, you have to make great music. I think you got number two, pretty well down, you make awesome music.

Keaton: Thanks, man.

Isaac: I'm here to help you try to get more exposure as well. That's why I brought you on to interview. I want to make sure that I can do the small things in my power to help you amplify your exposure. And I think if people see this interview, if they listen to your music, that's going to help you guys, and I'm grateful that you've given me an opportunity to, to kind of use my little bit of influence in the world to help you there. So I think you're on the right path. And the fact that you're willing to actually go out of your way, and randomly DM some company about "We got this cool music video, would you like to check it out?" Yeah, that's awesome. So like, you are passionate about it, you're doing the little things. It might take longer than you expected. But I think you're on the path.

I think what you just need to do, and I'm not your manager or anything like that, but it is a numbers game, right? Just get more, find more people out there that are willing to, you know, showcase you guys and I'm glad that you could come on and talk to us today because I want more people to see you and listen to your music. And, you know, I kind of try to put together like, in my opinion, what kind of bands you kind of sounded like, and I don't have any particular one. But I was like maybe it's like a mashup of like Elvis, Depeche Mode, Weezer, and like Silversun Pickups, something like that.

Keaton: Yeah, I totally hear that we are kind of this weird, you know, mashup of stuff.

Isaac: Yeah. I think most music should. It shouldn't sound like something you've already heard. It should seem familiar though. But it doesn't sound exactly the same. Right. So I think you've done a great job there. And, and I love the way that you sound. So thanks. Thanks for coming on.

Keaton: Yeah, no, I appreciate that a lot. Thank you.

Isaac: I have some rapid fire questions here for you.

Keaton: Alright, let's hear it.

Isaac: So I'm just going to try to list a few here. I've written some down and I actually came up with a couple more while we're talking. But okay, number one, what's your favorite band or maybe a band people might have heard of that you guys have actually played with" Pick one or the other favorite band or band people have heard of that you guys have played with?

Keaton: That we played with?

Isaac: Yep.

Keaton: Marcy playground.

Isaac: Okay, cool. The "Sex and Candy" song.

Keaton: Yeah, :Sex and Candy."

Isaac: All right. So, what's your favorite...because you play guitar? What's your favorite type of guitar?

Keaton: Uh, I'm gonna go classic and say a Fender Stratocaster?

Isaac: Okay, cool. I play a Telecaster. A couple other ones...a Paul Reed Smith, but my favorite is the Telecaster. So right up in there (with the Stratocaster). Alright, so what bands influence your music?

Keaton: A wide, wide variety of bands, for sure. Going all the way back to the early days of bands and rock and roll. You know, a lot of classic rock Beatles, Jimi Hendrix, the Who? Led Zeppelin, Cream. So a lot of the great early rock stuff.

And then, fast forwarding a bit to the 90s...a lot of 90s bands for sure. Smashing Pumpkins, Nirvana, Weezer, Green Day, Blink-182, The Offspring. You know that that big old wave of 90s rock bands for sure.

And then yeah, and then also kind of like a little bit later than that even. Like the 2000s sort of indie rock wave that kind of hit with like Death Cab for Cutie and The Shins. Silversun Pickups, Interpol. So yeah. Yeah, a lot. I would say it kind of comes down to probably that group of bands I just named I think.

Isaac: Brings everything together. I mean, I don't know of one person who's intricately involved in music that doesn't have favorite bands from the past seventy years.

Keaton: Yeah. I mean, there's been so much good stuff.

Isaac: Yeah, exactly. So other than your own music, what's the last album you listened to in full?

Keaton: Man? Um, good question.

Isaac: Most people just listen to singles these days. That's why I want to know.

Keaton: Yeah, that's an awesome question. I've definitely played dead cab for cutie's album plans for a lot within the last couple months, um, but I guess I'm guilty of it too, man. I've been I've been single, I've been single bouncing, single hop

Isaac: Just hitting you know, what is it like shuffle mode on your playlist or something?

Keaton: Yeah, and shuffle or like doing, you know, Spotify algorithm playlists? I've been listened to like a lot of trying to listen a lot of new stuff. So I'll put on like the release radar and kind of shuffle that. But I mean, the Weezer Blue Album. That's an album also put on front the back.

Isaac: Yeah, one of the greatest ones of all time.

Keaton: Oh, yeah. I mean, I haven't listened to it in forever. But Nirvana, Nevermind, pretty much any Beatles album.

Isaac: What bands would you like to tour with as soon as that becomes possible again?

Keaton: This is like you could pick any band could pick any band.

Isaac: They have to be alive and be able to tour obviously.

Keaton: Okay, yeah, nothing crazy. No miracles. I mean, if we get to have our way, I mean, the Foo Fighters. I think that would be like that's like every rock bands dream.

Isaac: Yeah. Just to have Dave Grohl give you a side hug and be like, "Look at this guy."

Keaton: Yeah, I mean, he's, you know, he's kind of like a unicorn in the in the rock world today, you know, the last of a certain breed of rock and roll guys. And yeah, you know, for me, like, he was a hero when I was a kid. And he still kind of is.

Isaac: Yeah, I mean, it's like, I don't understand how he's alive. He's like, "I'm like one of the greatest drummers in the world. Now, I'm gonna start a band and I'm also gonna be one of the greatest rock singers and guitar players of all time." Whatever. No biggie.

Keaton: Yeah, no, it's incredible. It's an amazing thing that he does. So yeah, the Foo Fighters for sure.

Isaac: I mean, I'll give them a call. Let them know that you're on the next tour.

Keaton: For sure. Thanks, man. Yeah, give me a call for us. That'd be great. Yeah, um, I mean, yeah, Weezer they're still out playing that'd be fun. Oh, yeah.

Isaac: They're supposed to be doing I think a tour with like Green Day and yeah, remember who but it's like a big stadium tour there.

Keaton: So yeah, that was like the super epic whatever tour that got put on hold.

Isaac: So you could just open up for this. Like the California tour.

Keaton: That'd be awesome. Can you call them too?

Isaac: Yeah.

Keaton: All right, cool.

Isaac: I got Rivers on speed dial. No problem.

Keaton: Right on, make it happen.

Isaac: And then if you play without any musician alive or dead, who would it be? alive or dead?

Keaton: John Lennon.

Isaac: Awesome. Good answer. I feel like that would be kind of a tough collaboration because you're like, "Hey, John, can we play something?" And he just starts playing something. But like, as soon as you start playing back, he would be like, "No, no, no, stop that."

Keaton: Yeah, he wouldn't care. I just want to hear him play.

Isaac: Exactly. Just stand there. Like, should I just strum this then? Okay.

Keaton: I just want to hear him talk.

Isaac: So off the top of your head. What would you say is one of the best albums of all time?

Keaton: Beatles White Album.

Isaac: That's my favorite Beatles album.

Keaton: Is it? I think I think it's mine too. It's hard to pick. Led Zeppelin IV. The Wall.

Isaac: Actually, my absolute favorite album of all time is The Wall.

Keaton: Yeah, man. It might be mine too. Yeah, I really if I really kind of have to choose such a such an amazing, brilliant, awesome album. Dark side of the moon.

Isaac: I think we have a lot in common on that. And I think I mean, obviously the concept of doing actual concept albums. Pink Floyd did that light years before a lot of other bands and obviously with The Wall, they kind of perfected it. And you know, there's bands like Rush that did a really good job with some of that stuff. And Coheed and Cambria that's done a pretty good job of a concept band, not just concept album. But it's just interesting to see when you put something like that together. And just like, this is like a movie that you're listening to. And it's like, holy crap. This is awesome.

Keaton: Yeah, yeah, it's next level. Yeah The Wall I think is probably the best concept album ever, if not the best album ever.

Isaac: I will definitely make sure to get the links to your youtube facebook website, Spotify on this and we're actually trying to write this out as much as we can. And then you know, obviously put it in the blog and video on our website.

Is there anything you want to say before we wrap up? Let people know where to contact you or anything like that?

Keaton: Right on. Well, yeah, definitely. I want to say thank you. Thanks a lot, Isaac, for having me on and give me some time to talk about, you know, Raised on TV and just talk about music. That was really fun and really cool.

But yeah, I mean, you'll you'll list all this stuff, but you know, definitely stream us on Spotify and Apple Music, or whatever it is that you use, and our website's So you know, right to the point. And, yeah, we're putting out a new song and a new video every three weeks. So we actually have one coming out tomorrow.

Isaac: That's the ninth of April.

Keaton: So April 9, we have one coming out called "In the Valley."

Isaac: Excellent. And just one last question - Raised on TV. What made you guys decide on that for the band name?

Keaton: It was the only one...we had a list of names, like hundreds of names. And it was the only one that every single band member at the time could get behind. Because there would be a name that like two of us loved and then like one of us hated it. So that was the one that no one hated.

Isaac: Yeah, I think it's a great name, obviously, you know, back in the 80s 90s. All we did was watch TV, you know? Nobody, knew that that was so terrible for you.

Keaton: It was the beginning of where we're at now as a society. So it's definitely truthful to us for sure. But it was the one name we all didn't hate.

Isaac: That's what works. Thank you, again, so much Keaton for being here. And I can post this and let you know when it's available. Hopefully, it'll be ready by tomorrow. But it might take a couple of days and then I'll shoot it over to you and you can share it and we'll share it all over social media and everything and thank you again for coming. And we look forward to you know, when you can tour again, we'll come check you out in Vegas.

Keaton: Thanks, man. Sounds good.

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