Death By Unga Bunga Shine With a Poppy, Punky, and Rocking Release With New Album

4.7 stars out of 5

It's been a long time since I have heard what I would call a punk-rock album that is so well done that it almost doesn't seem to fit the genre of punk but has a lot of its elements.

The new album Heavy Male Insecurity from Death By Unga Bunga transcends your typical rock genres, to be honest. They have a definite punk base, but they seem to incorporate even older, more well-versed arena rock elements into their music without sounding like a corporate sell out.

I hear sounds reminiscent of bands like OK Go, Cheap Trick, Face to Face, Blink 182 and so many other great bands. Oh, and the guitar solos are shredding as well.

This album is definitely a must-listen, and don't let the band name put you off. You aren't getting into something really weird here. You can just blame it on the fact that these guys are Norwegian (though from what I understand "unga bunga" is a phrase used in gaming for certain fighters that usually bash and smash their opponents), but this is a truly legit rock band.

Oh, and in case you have a bias towards non-English speaking countries, fear not, all the songs are in perfect English, and maybe expand your horizons, bruh! 

The album kicks off with two great power pop-punk songs in "Modern Man" and "Egocentric" and keeps pumping through the whole album. It's roughly 30 minutes of sheer enjoyment.

We had to update our first quarter review to include this album, because we hadn't gotten to listen to it before the end of the quarter, but damn, it was worth wading through all the other mediocre music released by other bands this year to be rewarded with a truly great rock album.

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