GWAR Brings Full On Blood Fest to Brooklyn Bowl Las Vegas for The Black Death Rager Tour

LAS VEGAS, NV -- On Monday, October 10th, GWAR made a visit to Las Vegas on "The Black Death Rager World Tour," and we got a guest blogger to fill in his insights about what he experienced during the show.
Widget from Stoned Spider Photography had this to say:
How do you describe the spectacle that is GWAR to someone who wasn’t there to experience it?
Bathed in red light, the anxious crowd awaits the arrival of the Scumdogs. The booming chant of “WE WANT GWAR”, reverberates through Brooklyn Bowl like a thundering wave.
With an explosion of screams, GWAR takes the stage, wasting no time with a decapitation and “blood” flying everywhere. From one song to the next, one can’t help but be blown away by the sheer talent it takes to play and perform as they do in the elaborate armored costumes that they wear.
GWAR is not just a show but an experience whether you’re in the pit, watching from the back, or you're up front in the “splash zone”, expect a rollercoaster of sight and sound found nowhere else.
If you have never before experienced the exhilaration of a GWAR show, do yourself a favor and stop denying yourself. Even if you’re not a fan of heavy music, the show itself is more than worth it.