Las Vegas Punk Frontman Bowser from Terror Attack Spearheads Another Charitable Event to Help the Las Vegas Community

Spearheaded by Terror Attack front man Bowser, a group of 44 volunteers managed to feed over 400 people freshly cooked tacos, BBQ chicken and pulled pork sandwiches as well as pizzas donated by local punk favorite Evel Pie.

Aside from food other basic needs and necessities were also made available. Everything from clean socks, t-shirts, sweat shirts and blankets as well as various hygiene supplies such as soap and disinfectant wipes were passed out to all who wanted or needed them.

What started as a small flame is quickly growing into a roaring fire for change. To everyone else we look like a bunch of criminals and hooligans, but we care about our community, our city and all those in it no matter their race, religion or political stance. We are all people and we all deserve to be treated with basic human kindness.
Before I go I want to give a huge shout out and thank you to U.S. Vets, Just One Project, Trac-B, Haircuts for the Homeless, The Center, Shine-a-Light, Toys-4-Dogs, TBS-13 and Vaztech productions, Rebel Rhythm Collective and Scumbags Las Vegas. Also a very huge thank you to the Restoration and recovery foundation for letting us use their lot and allowing us to do these outreach events. To everyone involved I consider it an honor and privilege to know and work beside so many amazing people.
In closing, don’t judge someone by how they look or live. This group of people that came together for no other reason than the kindness in their hearts is full of people from all races, religions and backgrounds. It is our belief in being decent human beings that brings us together and drives us to help and improve our community. Even the smallest gesture of kindness goes a long way so take an example from the Las Vegas punx and help your fellow human beings rise up instead of beating them down. We only grow together and together we can change the world.