White Noise Released Their New Album and Had a Rager with Friends at The Space on Friday, February 3rd, 2023

LAS VEGAS, NV – Local Las Vegas rock band, White Noise released their debut album Neapolitan on Friday, February 3rd, 2023, and brought along some of the bands that they are friends with in the local scene to celebrate.

First up was Vegas-based rapper Pathogen (a.k.a. Chase Cupo) who has been friends with White Noise lead singer Kaesen Sampson for 18 years as was later mentioned.

While it’s always rough to go first, and it is not always ideal to be the only rap artist on an otherwise all rock lineup, he did very well for himself in the sense that he was doing what he needed to do to hype the crowd up, interact, and even when things went wrong with the live drums and backing track getting out of sync, he continued on and made sure to keep the pace.

Sampson jumped on drums for a song called “Trick Mirror“ that was lightning quick and really got the crowd on his side. It capped off the set quite nicely.

Next up was the teen rockers, The Dollheads who put on quite possibly their best performance to date (and I just said the same thing about their last show 2 weeks ago). They seem to be gaining confidence, testing their limits and growing beyond what the limits they had previously set.

Singer Angela Avery had a lot more fire both in her vocal performance and her onstage presence at this show than I had ever seen from her, and bassist Samantha Avery often is quick with a quip or to bust out a bassline from a popular song to keep the crowd engaged while the band takes quick breaks to get water or to put a cymbal back together (as was the case for Austin Avery after he had to fix a crash cymbal stand that didn’t want to cooperate).

Elephante King came out and absolutely shredded and brought tons of energy as well. Singer/guitarist Fez Reyes is a damn human Energizer bunny, and if he is not singing at the microphone, he is jumping, running or dancing across the stage in a fury.

Drummer Knicc Limbs also is known to bring the flair and fashion while banging out some heavy-handed drums.

And of course, the incredible bass talents of Mike West round out a VERY skilled group of musicians who put out a high quality catalog of music with an unbelievable live show.

The lead singer of Elevated Undergrounds, Gabbi Fisher, joined Elephante King on stage for their last two songs, one of which was a cover of Nirvana’s “Heart-Shaped Box.”

Elevated Undergrounds came on shortly after and while much of their set is more mellow in terms of song energy, the band never lets the crowd get too comfortable as many of their choruses or even entire songs can still be incredibly kinetic.

Fisher used her dance training to contort herself on stage at times, and bring the avant garde art of dance into their live show.

Reyes (Elephante King) is also the guitarist in this band as well, and as he is not singing as much, he even did a lap around the audience and rocked out with bassist June Tindall as the whole band was in their element.

Even drummer Joe Kennedy, who is usually an absolute stoic drum machine, showed some downright grit as I happened to catch a few shots of him looking incredibly in the moment and angry as hell as he bashed on the kit.

Then White Noise finally took the stage as fans, friends, and the other bands cheered. 

Sampson seemed legitimately blown away from the support and the performances of the other bands as well. 

He thanked the crowd several times, and mentioned that it might be the biggest crowd they had played in front of (no idea the exact number, but my guess was around 100 people or more).

They busted out their set with force and had a couple of surprises up their sleeve including bringing Pathogen back on stage to perform a Linkin Park cover, and Sampson putting his guitar down in the middle of a song to start moshing in the circle pit with the crowd as the rhythm section held it down until he came back on stage.

Their anthemic songs like “Gimmie Out” and “The Way It Is” are easy enough to follow during the hooks that anyone in the crowd can along to them, and a lot of people did.

Last but certainly not least, Pure Sport came on, and to say that there seemed to be a built up amount of energy that these guys seem to be able to tap into is probably an understatement.

They are collectively like the guy who smashes open the keg tap at a party and unleashes the good times for everyone else.

As I mentioned, every band on this lineup was incredible, and somehow Pure Sport still managed to take things to another level.

Frontman Jared Scott seems to bring a level of confidence to their performances that you might not expect by just talking with him or seeing him. The band is all pretty much like that.

They might be some of the most unassuming rockstars of all time, and I am willing to bet that’s why their fanbase is so dedicated.

The humbleness and dedication the band brings to their music, the intense energy they bring to their live shows, and the respect they show to their supporters (a.k.a. their “unpaid interns”) is something that definitely gives them an advantage when they go out there and rock the hell out of their set. 

If you haven’t seen Pure Sport yet, well, you are missing out, and you should definitely check out the next show as soon as you can.


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