- THE WORLD IS YOUR PRACTICE PAD - Your sticks are now transformed into portable practice sticks because the silicone drumstick tips are made from the same are made from the same material as many drum practice pads and electronic drum pads
- NO LOUD CLACKS - Let's be very clear, there will still be sound made by these drumstick tips, but instead of the high-pitch "clacking" sound, you will hear a dull "thud" sound which is much quieter and less annoying
- REBOUNDS LIKE YOUR DRUMHEADS - Feels just like playing drums without disrupting the neighbors or causing damage to your ears
- STRENGTHEN YOUR DRUM TECHNIQUE - While these drumstick dampeners are incredibly lightweight, they do still add a bit of weight which makes your arms stronger and drumming with regular sticks faster
- IMPROVE YOUR STICK SPEED - You will notice a slight difference when you drum with these drumstick dampening pads versus your regular drumsticks and just like runners who put on ankle weights to build stamina, speed and endurance, you will feel like drumming without the silicone drumstick tips is a breeze after a practice session
Wanna practice your drumming technique while you are out and about (maybe before a show) and don't want to carry around a practice pad?
Well, now you can make any hard surface a practice pad without the annoying "clacking" sound that comes with smacking a drumstick onto tables, counters or whatever else you are drumming on.
With these silicone Drumstick Tip Dampeners you can practice your drumming anywhere you go WITHOUT the hassle of bringing along a practice pad.
- TURNS CLACKS INTO THUDS - Let's be very clear, there will still be sound made by these drumstick tips, but instead of the high-pitch "clacking" sound, you will hear a dull "thud" sound
- WAY LESS ANNOYING - Not only will the sound be way less annoying to those around you, but these are so much easier to carry with you, and you can even leave them on one of your pairs of sticks just so you always have them
- PRACTICE DRUMS ANYWHERE - Your sticks are now transformed into portable practice sticks because the silicone drumstick tips are made from the same are made from the same material as many drum practice pads and electronic drum pads
- STRENGTHEN YOUR DRUM TECHNIQUE - Just like in any sport, when you add weight to your routines, you build strength faster, and while these drumstick dampeners are incredibly light, they do add a bit of weight which makes your arms stronger and drumming faster
- DRUMMING SPEED IMPROVEMENT - When you practice with these drumstick dampening pads versus your regular drumsticks
--We do NOT claim that these drumstick dampening tips will make your acoustic drum kit quieter.
--These tips are for practicing WITHOUT a drum set as they are designed to replace a larger, more expensive, and more cumbersome drumming practice pad